Ageing in Literatures in English

General bibliography

Primary sources::

Brink, André The Rights of Desire [BW]

Brookner, Anita A Private View [CZ]

Brookner, Anita A Start in Life [CZ]

Brookner, Anita Brief Lives [CZ]

Coetzee, J.C. Disgrace [BW]

Collins, Merle. Angel. [MV] Collins

Cross, Amanda. The Puzzled Heart. New York: Ballantine. 1998. 17. [detective story - an older woman is a successful detective because "nobody even sees old women, let alone is able to describe them"] [MV]

Evans, Martina. No Drinking, No Dancing, No Doctors. Harmondsworth UK: Penguin. 2001.

Feinstein, Elaine [CZ]

Figes, Eva [CZ]

Gilroy, Beryl, Frangipani House. [MV] Gilroy

Hill, Susan [CZ]

Lessing, Doris. Diary of a Good Neighbour. 1983 [the story of a ninety-two-hear old, Maudie Fowler, who is dying of stomach cancer] [MV]

Lessing, Doris. Summer before the Dark. 1974. [She explores taking on and putting off invisibility as her heroine tries walking down the street in an old loose dress and undyed hair and then again with makeup and carefully styled hair and dress to see men's reactions.] [MV]

Lynch, David The Straight Story [PG]

Marshall, Paule. Praisesong for the Widow. Plume. 1992. [MV] Marshall

Miller, Linda Lael [IS]

Rand, William E. That Way Madness Lies. 2000.

Riley, Joan. Waiting in the Twilight. London: Women's Press. 1987. [about a disabled Jamaican immigrant, Adella Johnson, who has lived much of her adult life in England and is now dying from complication of an earlier stroke] [MV]

Sarton, Mary. As We Are Now. New York: W.W.Norton. 1973. [An aging seventy-three-year-old woman says in the novel that "old age --- is a foreign country with an unknown language to the young and even to the middle-aged." 23] [MV]

Tremain, Rose [CZ]

Uhry, Alfred. Driving Miss Daisy [PG]

Wynter, Sylvia.The Hills of Hebron. [MV] Wynter



Secondary sources:

Alexander, Jo. et al. eds. Women and Aging: An Anthology by Women. Corvallis OR: Calyx Books. (1986) 1991. [CZ]

Apter, Terri. Secret Paths: Women in the New Midlife. New York NY: W.W. Norton. 1986.

Archambault, Paul J. "From Centrality to Expendability: The Aged in French Literature." Eds. Prisca von Bagnell, and Patricia Spencer Soper. Perceptions of Aging in Literature. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. 51-70. [CZ]

Bagnell, Prisca von, and Patricia Spencer Soper, eds. Perceptions of Aging in Literature. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. [CZ]

Banks, Joanne Trautmann. "The Aging Artist: The Sad but Instructive Case of Virginia Woolf." Eds. Sara Munson Deats, and Lagretta Tallent Lenker. Aging and Identity: A Humanities Perspective. Westport: Praeger, 1999. 115-28. [CZ]

Baum, Rosalie Murphy. "Work, Contentment, and Identity in Aging Women in Literature." Eds. Sara Munson Deats, and Lagretta Tallent Lenker. Aging and Identity: A Humanities Perspective. Westport: Praeger, 1999. 89-102. [CZ]

Bell, Marilyn J. ed. Women as Elders: The Feminist Politics of Aging. New York NY: Harrington Park. 1986. [CZ] Bell

Blaikie, A. Ageing and Popular Culture. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1999. [MO]

Benson, J. Prime Time: A History of the Middle Aged in Twentieth Century Britain. London UK: Longman. 1997.

Birren, James E. and Vern L. Bengtson. eds. Emergent Theories of Aging. New York NY: Springer. 1988.

Bond, J. "Living Arrangements of Elderly People." J. Bond, P. Coleman and S. Peace. eds. Ageing in Society: An Introduction to Social Gerontology. 2nd ed. London UK: Sage. 1993.

Bond, J., R. Briggs and P. Coleman. "The Study of Ageing." J. Bond, P. Coleman and S. Peace. eds. Ageing in Society: An Introduction to Social Gerontology. 2nd ed. London UK: Sage. 1993.

Booth, Wayne C. The Art of Growing Older: Writers on Living and Aging. New York: Poseidon Press, 1992. [CZ] Booth

Botelho, Lynn and Pat Thane. Women and Ageing in British Society since 1500: Women and Men in History, Longman, 2000. [MO]

Burkitt, I. Social Selves: Theories of the Social Formation of Personality. London UK: Sage. 1991.

Butler, Robert. "The Life Review: An Interpretation of Reminiscence in the Aged." Psychiatry: Journal of the Study of Interpersonal Processes. 26 (1963): 65-76.

Bytheway, B. The Later Part of Life: A Study of the Concept of Old Age. Swansea UK: School of Social Studies, University College of Swansea. 1985.

Bytheway, B. Ageism. Buckingham UK: Open University Press. 1995.

Caramagno, Thomas C. "Suicide and the Illusion of Closure: Aging, Depression, and the Decision to Die." Aging and Gender in Literature: Studies in Creativity. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1993. 61-82.

Cole, Thomas R. and Sally A. Gadow. eds. What Does It Mean to Grow Old? Reflections from the Humanities. Durham: Duke University Press. 1986.

Cole, Thomas R., David D. Van Tassel and Robert Kastenbaum, eds. Handbook of the Humanities and Aging. New York: Springer Publishing, 1992.

Cole, Thomas R. and Mary G. Winkler. eds. The Oxford Book of Aging: Reflections on the Journey of Life. Oxford University Press. 1994. Cole1

Colt, George Howe. The Enigma of Suicide. New York: Summit, 1991.

Coupland, N., Coupland, J. and Giles, H., Language, Society and the Elderly. Oxford: Blackwell. 1991. [MO]

Deats, Sara Munson and Lagretta Tallent Lenker, eds. Aging and Identity: A Humanities Perspective. Westport: Praeger. 1999. [CZ]

Deats, Sara Munson and Lagretta Tallent Lenker, eds. Introduction. Aging and Identity: A Humanities Perspective. Westport: Praeger, 1999. 1-22. [CZ]

Deats, Sara Munson. "The Dialectic of Aging in Shakespeare’s King Lear and The Tempest." Eds. Sara Munson Deats, and Lagretta Tallent Lenker. Aging and Identity: A Humanities Perspective. Westport: Praeger, 1999. 23-32. [CZ]

Dietrich, Linnea S. "Aging and Contemporary Art." Eds. Sara Munson Deats, and Lagretta Tallent Lenker. Aging and Identity: A Humanities Perspective. Westport: Praeger, 1999. 183-90. [CZ]

von Dorotka Bagnell, Prisca and Patricia Spencer Soper. eds. Perceptions of Aging in Literature. Greenwood Press. 1989.

Economist, The. Youth and Age. December 23rd. 2000: 23-130. [1. Prolonging Life (23); 2. The Russian Orthodox Church (35); 3. The Children's Crusade (41); 4. Youth and Government (63); 5. Kids and Guns (65); 6. Inflation Since 1900 (95); 7. The Biology of Growing Old (129)]

Elias, N. The Loneliness of the Dying. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1985.

Erikson, Erik H. Childhood and Society. New York: W.W. Norton. 1963. [MV]

Erikson, Erik H. Identity, Youth and Crisis. New York: W.W. Norton. 1969. [MV]

Erikson, Erik H. The Life Cycle Completed. Extended version with new chapter by Joan M. Erikson. New York: W. W. Norton. 1997. [MV]

Erikson, Erik, Joan M. Erikson and Helen Q. Kivnick. Vital Involvement in Old Age: The Experience of Old Age in Our Time. New York NY: W.W. Norton. 1986. [CZ]

Fallis, C. Richard. "’Grow Old along with Me": Images of Older People in British and American Literture." Eds. Prisca von Bagnell, and Patricia Spencer Soper. Perceptions of Aging in Literature. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. 35-50. [CZ]

Featherstone, M. and A. Wernick (eds). Images of Ageing: Cultural Representations of Later Life. London and New York: Routledge. 1995. [MO]

Fortunati, Vita "The Myth of Eternal Youth and the Theme of Old Age in the Work of William Morris." Gomís van Heteren, A., Martínez López, M., Portero Muñoz, C. and Wallhead, C. eds. First International Conference on English Studies: Past, Present and Future. Costa de Almería: Universidad de Almería. 2001. 417-424. (CD format) [BW]

Friedan, Betty. The Fountain of Age. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1993.

George, Diana Hume. "’Keeping Our Working Distance’: Maxine Kumin’s Poetry of Loss and Survival." Aging and Gender in Literature: Studies in Creativity. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1993. 314-340.

Greenspan, E. and George H. Pollack, eds. The Course of Life: Adulthood and the Aging Process. Vol. 3. Washington DC: NIMH. 1980.

Gullette, Margaret Morganroth. "Creativity, Aging, Gender: A Study of Their Intersections, 1910-1935." Aging and Gender in Literature: Studies in Creativity. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1993. 19-48. [more information about Gullette and her publications: Scholars/M_Gullette.html ]

Gullette, Margaret Morganroth. Declining to Decline: Cultural Combat and the Politics of the Midlife. Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia, 1997. [CZ]

Gullette, Margaret Morganroth. Safe at Last in the Middle Years: The Invention of the Midlife Progress Novel: Saul Bellow, Margaret Drabble, Anne Tyler, and John Updike. Berkeley CA: Univeristy of California Press, 1988.

Heilbrun, Carolyb. "Coming of Age". Woodward, Kathleen. ed. Figuring the Body: Women, Bodies, Generations. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1978. [MV]

Hendricks, Jon and Cynthia A. Leedham. "Making Sense: Interpreting Historical and Coss-Cultural Literature on Aging." Eds. Prisca von Bagnell, and Patricia Spencer Soper. Perceptions of Aging in Literature. New York: Greenwood Press, 1989. 1-16. [CZ]

Hendricks, Jon and Cynthia A. Leedham. "Making Sense of Literary Aging: Relevance of Recent Gerontological Theory." Journal of Aging Studies 1 (1987): 187-208. [CZ]

Hepworth, Mike. Stories of Ageing. Buckingham UK: Open University Press. 2000. [CZ] Hepworth

Hepworth, Mike. "In Defiance of an Ageing Culture." Ageing and Society 19 (1999): 139-48.

Hepworth, Mike and M. Featherstone. Surviving Middle Age. Oxford UK: Basil Blackwell. 1982.

Hockey, J. and A. James. Growing Up and Growing Old: Ageing and Dependency in the Life Course. London: Sage, 1993.

Jamieson, A. et al. eds. Critical Approaches to Ageing and Later Life. Buckingham UK: Open University Press. 1997.

Jaques, Elliot. "Death and the Mid-Lfe Crisis." International Journal of Psycho-analysis 46 (1965): 502-14.

Johnson, J. and R. Slater. eds. Ageing and Later Life. London UK: Sage. 1993.

Kakar, Sudhir. The Inner World. A Psychoanalytic Study of Childhood and Society in India. Delhi: Oxford University Press. 1978. [MV]

Kakar, Sudhir, ed. Identity and Adulthood. Delhi: Oxford University Press. 1992. [MV]

Kaplan, E. Ann. "Trauma and Aging: Marlene Dietrich, Melanie Klein, and Marguerite Duras." Woodward, Kathleen. ed. Figuring the Body: Women, Bodies, Generations. Bloomington: Indiana Univesity Press. 1999. [MV]

Katz, S. Disciplining Old Age: The Formation of Gerontological Knowledge. Charlottesville, VA: University Press of Virginia, 1996.

Kenyon, Gary M. "Basic Assumptions in Theories of Human Aging." Emergent Theories of Aging. Eds. James E. Birren and Vern L. Bengtson. New York: Springer Publishing, 1988. 3-18.

Khon, Martin, Carol Donley and Delese Wear. eds. Literature and Aging: An Anthology (Literature and Medicine Series) Kent State University Press. (1992) 1993.

Kirkwood, Tom. Time of Our Lives. Weidenfield and Nicolson; Phoenix Paperbacks. 1999.

Kirkwood, Tom. The End of Age. Reith Lectures 2001. Profile Books. [1. Brave Old World; 2. Thread of Life; 3. Sex and Death; 4. Making Choice; 5. New Directions]

Laws, G. "Spatiality and Age Relations." Critical Approaches to Ageing and Later Life. Eds. A. Jamieson, S. Harper, and C. Victor. Buckingham: Open University Press, 1997.

Lenker, Lagretta Tallentr. "Why? Versus Why Not?: Potentialities of Aging in Shaw’s Back to Methuselah." Sara Munson Deats and Lagretta Tallent Lenker. eds. Aging and Identity: A Humanities Perspective. Westport: Praeger, 1999. 47-60. [CZ]

Levinson, Daniel J. The Seasons of a Woman's Life. New York: Knopf. 1996. [MV]

Luke, Helen M. Old Age: Journey into Simplicity. New York NY: Bell Tower (A Parabola Book).

Mercer, Ramona T., Elizabeth G. Nichols, and Glen Caspers Doyle. Transitions in a Woman's Life: Major Life Events in Developmental Context. New York: Springer. 1989. [MV]

Moody, Harry R. Abundance of Life: Human Development Policies for an Aging Society. Columbia Studies of Social Gerontology and Aging, ed. Abraham Monk. New York: Columbia University Press, 1988.

Papalia, Diane E., And Sally Wendlos Olds. Human Development. Boston: McGrawHill. 8th. ed. 1998.

Popovich, Helen, and Deborah Noonan. "Aging and Academe: Caricature or Character." Eds. Sara Munson Deats, and Lagretta Tallent Lenker. Aging and Identity: A Humanities Perspective. Westport: Praeger, 1999. 161-68. [CZ]

Portales, Marco. Youth and Age in American Literature: The Rhetoric of Old Men in the Mathers, Franklin, Adams, Cooper, Hawthorne, Melville and James. Peter Lang Publishing. 1990.

Porter, Laurel and Laurence M. Porter. eds. Aging in Literature. Troy MI: International Book Publishers. 1984. [CZ]

Roberto, Karen A. ed. Relationships between Women in Later Life. New York NY: Haworth Press. 1996.

Roberts, Louis. "Portrayal of the Elderly in Classical Greek and Roman Literature." Eds. Prisca von Bagnell, and Patricia Spencer Soper. Perceptions of Aging in Literature. New York NY: Greenwood Press. 1989. 17-34. [CZ]

Rooke, Constance. "Hagar’s Old Age: The Stone Angel as Vollendungsroman." Gunnars, Kristjana. ed. Crossing The River: Essays in Honour of Margaret Laurence. Winnipeg, Manitoba: Turnstone Press. 1988. 25-42. [CZ]

Rooke, Constance. "Old Age in Contemporary Fiction: A New Paradigm of Hope." Cole, Thomas R., David D. Van Tassel and Robert Kastenbaum. eds. Handbook of the Humanities and Aging. New York NY: Springer Publishing. 1992. 241-57.

Rosenthal, Evelyn R. Women, Aging and Agism. New York NY: Harrington Park Press. 1990. Rosenthal

Russo, Mary. "Aging and the Scandar of Anachronism." Woodward, Kathleen. ed. Figuring the Body: Women, Bodies, Generations. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1999. [MV]

Schachter-Shalomi, Zalman and Ronald S. Miller. From Age-ing to Sage-ing. A Profound New Vision of Growing Older.Warner Books. 1997. Schachter

Sipiora, Phillip. "Hemingway’s Aging Heroes and the Concept of Phronesis." Eds. Sara Munson Deats, and Lagretta Tallent Lenker. Aging and Identity: A Humanities Perspective. Westport: Praeger, 1999. 61-76. [CZ]

Sokoloff, Janice. The Margin That Remains: A Study of Aging in Literature (American University Studies: Series IV, English Language and Literature. Vol. 37. Peter Lang Publishing. 1987. Sokoloff

Spicker, Stuart F., Kathleen M. Woodward and David D. Van Tassel. eds. Aging and the Elderly: Humanities Perspectives in Gerontology. Atlantic Highlands NJ: Humanities Press. 1978.

UNESCO. Gearing Up for the Granny Boom. The Courier, January 1999: 18-36.

Van Tassel, David D., ed. Aging, Death, and the Completion of Being. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1979.

Waxman, Barbara Frey. From the Hearth to the Open Road: A Feminist Study of Aging in Contemporary Literature. Contributions in Women’s Studies, 113. New York; Greenwood Press, 1990. [CZ]

Wheeler, Helen Rippier. Women and Aging: A Guide to the Literature. Lynne Rienner Publishers. 1997.

Woodward, Kathleen. "Reminiscence and the Life Review: Prospects and Retrospects." What Does It Mean to Grow Old: Reflections from the Humanities. Eds. Thomas R. Cole and Sally A. Gadow. Durham: Duke University Press, 1986. 135-61.

Woodward, Kathleen and Murray M. Schwartz. eds. Memory and Desire: Aging-Literature-Psychoanalysis (Theories of Contemporary Culture. Vol. 6) Indiana University Press. 1986. [more information about Woodward and her publications: people/woodward.asp]

Woodward, Kathleen. "Simone de Beauvoir: Aging and Its Discontents." The Private Self: Theory and Practice of Women’s Autobiographical Writing. Ed. Shari Benstock. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988. 90-113.

Woodward, Kathleen. Aging and Its Discontents: Freud and Other Fictions. Bloomington IN: Indiana University Press. 1991.

Woodward, Kathleen. Figuring the Body: Women, Bodies, Generations. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1991.

Wyatt-Brown, Anne M. "Introduction: Aging, Gender, and Creativity." Aging and Gender in Literature: Studies in Creativity. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1993. 1-18. [CZ] [more information about Wyatt-Brown and her publications: ]

Wyatt-Brown, Anne M. and Janice Rossen, eds. Aging and Gender in Literature: Studies in Creativity. Charlottesville VA: University Press of Virginia, 1993. [CZ] Wyatt

Yahnke, Robert E. and Richard M. Eastman. Aging in Literature. ALA Editions. 1991.

Zeilig, H. "The Uses of Literature in the Study of Older People." Critical Approaches to Ageing and Later Life. Eds. A. Jamieson, S. Harper, and C. Victor. Buckingham: Open University Press, 1997.